Things to be Happy for

Hello Everyone!

To some, this may sound hokey and a little lame, but I've decided to start a weekly "Things to be Happy for" post. Lately, I've been stressed and grumpy and really borderline unbearable to my parents (which isn't fair and I promise we make up before we go to bed at night..).

I've heard that the more you list the positive things going on in your life, the more positive your mind starts to be, and by the end of a month, your brain has been practically retrained to think positively.
I got this idea from Louise, A.K.A Sprinkle of Glitter !
I'm hoping that this kick at the can helps with those things, and most of the thoughts hovering around in my mind are music related, so I thought I'd share it with you!

I've decided to list songs that make me happy, list positive things that happened this week and things I'm lucky for.

Playlist of the Week : 

  • Such Great Heights - The Postmodern Jukebox ft. Kiah Victoria (Jackson 5 Cover)
  • Steal My Sunshine - Len
  • Spiderwebs - No Doubt
  • Shower - Becky G.
  • Wasted - Tiesto
  • Born To Run - Bruce Springsteen
  • Pretty in Pink - Psychedelic Furs
This may seem like an odd mix of tunes, but these generally upbeat hits always makes me think of summer and the sun and can always bring a smile to my face!

Now on to the actual post....

Things to be Happy for :
  1. I had a lovely dinner with my family and my aunt and uncle where we got to spend some nice quality time together
  2. We get to sing a 15 minute Mamma Mia (Abba) medley at our end of the year Music Night with one of my school choirs
  3. I got a spot in one of the Quartets for Mozarts' Coronation Mass with my choir, i'm lucky to be working with such talented musicians 
  4. The sun has decided to come out and there is no more snow! I've even been able to start wearing shorts around the house!
  5. I've started running. While, I am still a terrible runner, I am getting better. And that's progress! 
  6. I've started eating healthier, and I'm lucky that I have the privilege to eat fresh and healthy food.
  7. I get to spend some time with my friends tonight, we're going to film and enjoy some chick flicks and chocolate covered fruit!
  8. I have a loving and supportive family that are helping me make my decision on which university to attend (Ottawa u or U of T for Music), but even the fact that they're supporting me in music is special since not everyone gets that kind of support. 
  9. I've been leaving my window open at night to get the nice spring breeze in the morning, and I've had the joy of hearing the birds sing early in the morning. 

Roald Dahl

I hope you enjoyed this post, or even better, you've been inspired to write your own "Things to be Happy for" list! Feel free to leave what makes you happy and some of the positive things that are happening in you life in the comments below, I'd love to hear about it!

Think Positive!

Until next time,


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