Traveling Tips for Singers

Hey Guys!

I'm sorry if you feel that my posts are based on one common theme...I'm just too excited about my traveling and this is the only place I can fully express it! list form, which is another thing I love to do!

As singers, we travel for gigs or auditions, etc. What people don't always know, is that traveling can wreak havoc on your body and your immune system! I've conducted some research and with the help of Google and my Doctor, here is a list of things to follow while traveling (as a singer).

  1. Hand Sanitizer. Planes and Airports are a hub for bacteria and germs, assuming you are traveling to sing, the last thing you'd want to do is get sick! Rub a dub dub those hands as much as possible. Before eating, after sleeping...even after washing your hands after visiting the bathroom! If you can also get your hands on baby wipes/wet wipes, you can use those to wipe down the handles of your bags and the screen of your phone/iphone!
  2. Stay Warm! Bringing a nice jacket/sweater and a scarf to keep yourself warm is always a good idea. Planes can be cold and going back to the first suggestion, you don't want to get sick! If you feel the need to wear your fluffiest socks or mittens, then be my guest! Stay warm!
  3. Sleep. Try and sleep as much as you can on the plane. We all know that sometimes the flight can be rough from turbulance to a crying baby or someone sneezing every 5 minutes making it hard to get some shut eye. A trick my mother used to use on my brother and I was gravol. She would give us some gravol to knock us out a bit. Once we we're engrossed in a movie or had stared out the car window long enough, we would fall asleep. If you don't want to take the over the counter drug route, you could try bringing some ear plugs or a sleep mask!
  4. Vitamins and Hydration! Having an empty bottle in your carry on will make you use the bottle once you land, just make sure it is clear of any liquids prior flight. While in flight, taking as many water bottles as you can would be ideal. You don't want those vocal chords to be dry! Now for vitamins. When you feel a cold coming on or you are under high amounts of stress, my pharmacist suggested I take 2 Vitamin C tablets and 1 Zinc tablet. This will help keep your body in check and will give you a small boost in energy. If you are anemic like me, taking an iron with these vitamins might give you a small boost in energy as well! Make sure you consult your doctor first before choosing to take any of these vitamins.
  5. Get Your Shots! If you are traveling to a foreign country, make sure you get all the recommended vaccinations. This will help prevent illness for you and the others around you. If you are in the clear for these vaccines, make sure you get the flu shot! While some years the vaccine can be more accurate than others, it never hurts to try and be covered! 

Hopefully these tips are helpful and that you guys aren't sick of this traveling theme! I promise I won't post forever about my travels! If you have any suggestions for future topics, please leave them in the comments below!
Until next time,



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