A Day in Toronto - Travel Diary
I'm sorry for the lack in recent posts, it's been more than hectic in the past few weeks. Now that auditions and competition #1 is over (which by the way - I won my category! It was the first time I had won a competition!), I am hopefully going to be able to get back to my normal postings!
To start off the Travel Diaries I chose to tell you all about my experience in Toronto and my journey to my first university audition : The University of Toronto.
The day started off early, just like my typical choir mornings. The alarm rang at 5:30 am which was the time I finally got up. I had tossed and turned a bit that night, mostly due to excitement, but I made the executive decision to be the first one awake once my alarm went off.
I packed up my carry on bag, filling it with my sheet music, music for my accompanist, chargers, sunglasses, hair ties, creams and sanitizers, my electronics (such an essential to my well being), my medicine and my book (I am currently reading "Is everyone hanging out without me? By Mindy Kaling).
I curled my hair and managed to put too much hairspray on, creating a lions mane that needed much detangling. Thankfully, I was able to coiffe it into a vintagey style with the remaining curl.
I left my makeup to a minimal because I usually don't like to travel with make up on since I prefer to sleep and let my skin breathe during these travels. Since we weren't sure on whether or not we were going to be able to get our hotel room, I decided it's better off to put a little bit of make up on in case I didn't have time to touch up so that I wouldn't scare the panel with my naked face!
While my mom was getting ready and packing my pile of clothes into our shared suitcase, I ate a small breakfast consisting of oatmeal and some tea. I'd need something hardy to keep me going all day.
Around 8 o'clock, my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Doug came and picked my mom and I up and drove us off to the airport. They were just filled with encouragement and wise words. They are a huge support to me and I don't think I could thank them enough for it.
So, my mom and I set off into the airport. We made a few pit stops in the gift shops before and after going through security. We picked up our in flight snacks and boarded!
I had never traveled with Porter Airlines before, but they are truly amazing. They wear the cutest pill box hats and their snacks are honestly delicious and healthy! The flight lasted about 45 minutes and you could see the clouds and the city so nicely from inside the plane.
This is where I got nervous. I usually don't enjoy the ascent and descent of a flight, so once my adrenaline started pumping, I started thinking about the audition. The only way I was able to distract myself was by reading my book (which by the way is hilarious and informative) and listened to some Madonna, Mozart and The Killers. (Yes, and eclectic playlist, I know.)
We arrived in Toronto and took a nice ferry ride across the river. The day was surprisingly warmer than the weather I was used to back in Ottawa. We took a nice cab ride around Toronto to our hotel where we were greeted at our hotel. We stayed at the Delta Chelsea and their doorman had the nicest smile ever, which truly brightened my day.
We were able to get a room a few hours early compared to the 6 hour wait we had ahead. I decided to unpack the things I'd need in the following hours and grab a small bite to eat so I wouldn't get hungry during my audition or prior!
My go to snack of the day was Pineapple! It's great for sore throats and for cutting the phlegm in your throat without clearing the lubricant from your vocal chords!
Once we had finished our lunch/snack/very early dinner, my mom and I set off to the University of Toronto.
We arrived super early since I had a rehearsal with my accompanist (Suzy), who I had never met before! She was so amazing and friendly. May I also say that her sight reading was on point, because in less than an hour, Suzy and I were in the audition room!
While waiting for the audition to start, the students from the campus were there to answer questions, calm you down and encourage you. It was honestly great.
During the audition, I had to sing 2 piece from my set list (I had to come up with 6 pieces with different criteria.) Once the music was over, I had to do some technical singing such as sight reading and intervals. The interview was a blast! The professors on my panel were wonderful, super informative and VERY supportive. It was the best.
My mom had made arrangements to hang out with an old friend during my audition which was prolonged to the evening. My Mom's friend, Evelyn, had decided to take us all out for dinner!
This is where I met her lovely son and his girlfriend. We chatted the night away and had some delicious food.
Once the night was over, we retreated back to our hotel and slept soundly, knowing the next day would be crazy busy.
We spent the day bouncing in and out of the hotel and the Eaton Centre. On the way to the mall, my mom and I met Spider Man! You can follow him on Instagram at Peter Parkour! He also follows the hash tag #peterparkour !
We went shopping and walked around for a solid 9 and a half hours before going back to the hotel for dinner.

We went shopping and walked around for a solid 9 and a half hours before going back to the hotel for dinner.
The 48 hours spent in Toronto were absolutely crazy busy, yet so incredible. I was able to reflect a bit on the plane back to home and thought about how amazing it was to be able to sing in front of famous opera singers and meeting spiderman and re-meeting some old friends. Over all the trip was a success and a great experience.
Once again, I am sorry for the delay. I have tried to write this post a thousand times but some how it either gets deleted or the pictures are weird or something. Yet FINALLY, I am able to tell you about my travels.
I hope you enjoyed!
Until next time,
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