Mendelssohn's Midsummer night's dream

This evening I attended the rehearsal for Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream with the NAC. We had just finished running through the work when the most gorgeous soprano's walked in and our devilishly handsome conductor.
We sang through the work again, following Maestro and listening to the Sopranos sing, and it was nothing but amazing.

Our soloists are Maghan McPhee singing Soprano and Wallis Guinta singing Mezzo-Soprano. Their work is incredibly beautiful as are they! Our narration will be done by Colm Feore, to my surprise was also in Thor! (I may or may not have fangirled over the thought that he knows Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston) Under the direction of Colms' wife, Donna, and with the lead of Maestro Alexander Shelley, we will be presenting A Midsummer Night's Dream at the NAC!

You can buy your tickets here!

It will be a wonderful show containing some wonderful talent and a combination of choirs such as Vocum, Cantiamo, Ladies from Ensemble Calixa-LavallƩe of the University of Ottawa and Ensemble vocal senior De La Salle and our wonderful soloists!

Until next time,



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