Stage Makeup and How to Keep Clear Skin

If you're a teenager, like me, you know the challenge of having spotty skin.
Hell! You might even be an adult who has acne, and no matter what, it is normal.
Whether it's bacteria, sweat, hormones, age, makeup, diet, etc, there are ways on how to control it.
Now, being a performer makes the challenge even harder; seeing that our face is basically as important as our auditions (as unfortunate as that is...)
The stress, late nights, and poor diet that some of us face (if you're living out of hotels and airports, finding well balanced meals can be tricky), on top of the stage makeup, hairspray, and everything else that your body already secretes, just makes it worse.

I know there are days where I just want to give up. That the endless meetings with the doctors, pharmacists and dermatologists just aren't worth it anymore. I feel like a troll and I just want to hide.
This is where my mom steps in and insists that "your skin looks better!" "you need to take care of yourself!" (it's always nice to have a cheerleader.) So I keep chucking along, knowing that one day it'll benefit me that I attended all these appointments and used all the creams, washes and pills that the doctors gave me.

I have found recently that my skin is very sensitive. When you are doing a show, the makeup artists tend to cake on the makeup, making you turn a whole other shade (in my case, I end up looking like a cheeto..) not to mention all the other stuff that they add to you, including those weird chemicals in the wigs.... 
(This is the makeup process, before-during-and after)
And suddenly, I have raven hair, blood red lips,  and contouring so sharp it could kill a man. I can tell you it took a good 20 minutes to take off all this makeup and another half hour for the wig. I had to make sure I showered after every show just to make sure I got all the makeup out of my pores. 
I did unfortunately break out due to the amount of makeup on my face, the late nights (staying out till 1 am every night is hard on a 16 year old..), and the added stress. May I remind you, that at this time it was September and only the 2nd week of school...

A few tips and tricks I've pick up are:
  1. Always shower before bed while performing. It'll rinse off all the hairspray, makeup, sweat, etc from your body. It's also a wonderful way to relax after a long show (and if you've been in heels the whole time, your feel will love you.)
  2. Pull your hair out of your face while you sleep. This will help eliminate the amount of bacteria and sebum that will get on your face when you sleep.
  3. Drink lots and lots and lots of water. It will help clear your body of impurities, thus giving you a healthy glow.
  4. Try avoiding makeup during the day. It will give your skin some time to breathe and rejuvenate itself.
  5. Maintain your normal skin care regime on top of all this. If your doctor has given you strict orders, follow them. If you're used to putting on a face mask before bed every night, and that works, do it! 

I hope some of these tricks will help you, or even just give you a piece of mind knowing you aren't the only one struggling with acne.

Until next time, 


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